From Madrid (230 km)

  • TO 5
  • N-502
  • 3 hours and 17 minutes

From Seville (253 km)

  • A-66
  • EX-103
  • 2 hours and 50 minutes

From Ciudad Real (143 km)

  • N-430
  • 1 hour and 51 minutes

How to get there from Madrid 275 km

3 hours

We start by A-5 until Km 124 take deviation towards Herrera del Duque. Later, on the N-502 we pass through several towns, including Alcaudete de la Jara, Belvis de la Jara, Nava del Rico Malillo, Sevillana de la Jara and Puerto Rey, an ideal place surrounded by pines and trees. We pass by the Cíjara reservoir, from where we can divert to the Cíjara and Helechosa de los Montes reserve. We continue towards Castilblanco where we can choose to follow the road to Herrera del Duque (better road) and faster or through Valdecaballeros. If we continue towards Herrera del Duque we pass through the García Sola reservoir. In Herrera del Duque we continue along the N-430 towards Mérida Badajoz Ciudad Real, we pass through Fuenlabrada de los Montes and at the deviation towards Mérida Badajoz and later we take the EX-103 towards Talarrubias Puebla de Alcocer. If we go through Valdecaballeros, we continue through the García sola reservoir arriving at Puerto Peña, and from there to Talarrubias and Puebla de Alcocer.

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